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Recommended by I.D. Magazine
Scott Amron's Endo Magnet Clips fasten all sorts of kitchen flotsam to the fridge: A single piece made of silicone and steel, the clip boasts a neodymium magnet that secures objects weighing up to a pound. An angled rear surface acts like a fulcrum, eliminating the need for extraneous metal clippy parts. Scratchproof and dishwasher-safe.

-Liz Arnold (I.D. Magazine)
ORGANIZE Solutions | Things We Like
Absolutely no springs attached. Super strong, pinch-free, dishwasher safe Endo Magnet Clips can be used to post paperwork, artwork, bags full of bolts and lots more on your fridge, file cabinet or magnet board.

- Joyce Dorny (Organize Magazine)
Endo: Finally, A Useful Fridge Magnet
Fridge magnets. They seem to breed at about the same rate as socks disappear, marring virgin white doors with their excremental novelty slogans. The Endo, though, is at least useful, and even verges on the elegant.
"This (The Endo Magnet Clip) is brilliant. A solid, weighty, rare earth magnet wrapped in friendly silicon, shaped to stick to your fridge and act as a clip. Push on the top end to unclip, let it go to spring it back flush. Lovely."

- Tony Blow (www.typescape.com)
"Just got a pack of the white magnets and they rock."
- Javier Soto (Hellboy & Pan's Labyrinth)
"Curiously strong, like fridge magnets on Altoids."